One of the first steps to helping children in foster care and at-risk youth is spreading awareness for their needs. Follow us on social media to start learning more, sharing more and helping to spread awareness.
Indeed, you can help children in foster care right from your mobile devices. In short, you can learn more about their needs. For instance, did you know there are over 4,000 children currently in SC foster care? Furthermore, did you know there is still a need for an additional 2,000+ foster homes? You can help to improve these circumstances by starting conversations with your family and friends through spreading awareness via text, direct messaging, and phone calls. At this time one of the best ways to help from your phone is by sharing on social media. The more folks who click the share button, the more folks will learn more and see that they can help. Then it becomes a cycle of sharing and helping. That’s a cycle we can all get behind.